We partnered with best-in-class financial services to give peace of mind on donations to Story Leaf.

All donations are managed at Donorbox, trusted by more than 50.000 organizations with +$900m raised. It’s a Stripe verified partner where all transactions are handled directly, without touching either Story Leaf or Donorbox servers. Monthly donations can be stopped anytime.

Stripe is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1, the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry. It uses the best-in-class security tools and practices to maintain a high level of security.


We rely on donations to provide:

Become Part of the Story!

Your contribution is more than a donation; it supports a powerful movement of health education for people to transform their communities worldwide. We are excited about our current projects and need your support to make them possible!

To develop and produce our “Living Well: A Guide to HIV Education” media campaign, focusing on HIV-related topics that are age-appropriate, medically accurate, and adaptable for global use in nonprofit organizations, health institutions, middle schools, and high schools. Our goal is to direct individuals to HIV testing services, support networks, and various health-related assistance.

Support from medical professionals to create evidence-based media that is easy to understand, and tackles myths and misunderstandings about HIV while at the same time providing primary education about sexual health.

Supplying written publications at no cost to clinics, schools, and hospitals worldwide, while also being available for purchase by the general public. All proceeds generated from the sales of published works will be directed towards global charitable foundations, helping those who need it most.

Providing artists the opportunity to create works with a higher purpose – to give hope, show acceptance, and have empathy and love on a global scale. When people see characters like themselves living powerfully in their truth, it instills the courage and desire to do the same.